Pre-move Checklist
Apply for child benefit (if applicable)
Apply for UC (if applicable)
Start to save up. If you are not eligible for UC, you will need to save between £2500-£3500 to cover the first month's costs and around £2500 per month after that. See our costs estimates for more details...
If a host wishes their guest(s) to leave and can give an approximate end date, they should notify WBC ( of this date as soon as possible.
Look for somewhere to rent:
If you are looking for a room to rent look at websites such as
If you are looking for a flat or house to rent look at websites such as
Some Housing Associations will advertise their difficult to let properties on Zoopla. These are Sovereign Housing and Vivid. Just enter their names into Zoopla and any listings will come up and you can contact them direct.
They also have market rented properties these are the same as private rented and you can apply direct.
If on UC: When a flat is found, immediately email Marija Klasnic at WBC and ask for help with first month’s rent and damage deposit. She will negotiate with the agent and sort out your tenancy agreement.
If NOT on UC when a flat is found, immediately email the agent and ask for the application form, fill in immediately and return to agent. Note: if NOT on UC you MUST be able to pay 5 weeks’ rent as damage deposit and one month’s rent in advance.
Post-Move Checklist
Upload your tenancy agreement to UC if applicable and download the Council tax relief form from West Berks Council website (or email ) and complete this for a reduction in council tax because of low earnings
If you are the only adult living at that address, download council tax reduction form from West Berks Council and complete this for a 25% reduction in council tax
Sign up to Thames Water (search for “moving house”) You will need your bank details to arrange regular monthly payments (usually around £30-£35) called direct debits. You will also need to enter the date you moved in. If your total earnings (including job and UC) come to under £17,100, then you can apply for WaterHelp on their website which halves your bill. You have to provide evidence of both earnings and UC
Sign up for electricity/gas. It's worth 'shopping around' using a price comparison website e.g MoneySupermarket. The best deal at the moment seems to be Octopus Energy. However, you can stay with the electricity supplier that the previous occupant was using (if you prefer) – you will have to be with them in any case until you change suppliers. All energy companies now have really good apps which help you to track usage and manage your direct debit payments (which can be reduced if you think you are using less than they have predicted)
Sign up for broadband.
If you are receiving UC, you can apply for Vodafone Essentials Broadband (£12/month for one year). They will check that you are receiving UC and then someone will ring you to arrange a connection date and set up regular payments through your bank (called direct debit) Usually takes 10 days
Register for council tax (email, giving name, address and date of moving into property)
WHO TO INFORM - all the following need to know your new address - Doctor, dentist, work, UC, your bank, Thames Water, electricity/gas company, West Berkshire (or your local) council, school, DVLA if you have a car (it's illegal to have the wrong address on your driving licence) and any insurance companies (car, pet, home contents).