Money saving tips
These days there is money-saving advice everywhere on social media and mainstream news. Here are some of the most important things to know once you are responsible for all your household bills.
The costs of heating and hot water in the UK have increased by over 50% in the last 12 months, which means they are some of the highest costs you will have to pay apart from rent.
This is normally done by Night Storage Heaters. These take in heat during the cheap electricity period of the night (normally 0100-0600hrs) and then release the heat during the day – some can be programmed. If you just have ‘input’ and ‘output’ then the most economical is to have them both on setting 4. If that is not warm enough, then you can increase the settings. Try not to use ‘boost’ which uses expensive daytime electricity. NEVER DRY WASHING ON NIGHT STORAGE HEATERS - it causes them to over-heat which stops them working and need expensive maintenance. It's also a fire risk for the same reason.
If you have radiators, turn them off in rooms you're not using, and make sure the heating is off when the apartment is empty.
It's always more efficient to heat the person, not the room
wear an extra sweater and slippers indoors
eat hot food
use a small electric heater or blanket where you're sitting rather than trying to warm the whole room up.
Heating water can also be expensive
limit showers to 5 minutes
don't wash up under running water
try to use a dishwasher / washing machine overnight if you have a cheaper rate. Many have a 'delay' setting to help you do this. The most economical way to dry washing is with a ‘heated airer’.
Water usage
If your total earnings (including job and UC) come to under £17,100, then you can apply for WaterHelp which halves your water bill. You have to provide evidence of both earnings and UC. Water heating is normally done by something called an ‘immersion heater’ which is in your hot water tank. Both switches need to be switched on in order to keep your water hot all the time.
If you are receiving UC, you can apply for Vodafone Essentials Broadband (£12/month for one year). They will check that you are receiving UC and then someone will ring you to arrange a connection date and set up regular payments through your bank (called direct debit) . It usually takes 10 days
Supermarkets reduce food just before they close.
There are apps where cafes, shops and restaurants advertise surplus food e.g Too Good To Go or Olio where members of the public do the same