Language Help
Free of charge
Free lessons via VICI language Academy (Newbury)
English language lessons are funded by our local authority for Ukrainian families at The VICI Language Academy!
To register your interest please email stating your current level of English (approximately, we will help with placement tests) and/or join our Facebook group here
Lessons are at the academy in Newbury town centre or online.
Free English and Maths courses - Berkshire School of English (Newbury)
BSE specialise in delivering initial English language support to newly arrived refugees through various Government resettlement programmes. Their founder Clare is passionate about providing language support to individuals to help them live and work in the UK and to empower them to access further training and employability opportunities. Face-to-face courses take place in public buildings like schools, the library, Town Hall, or Family Hubs. Learners can join at any time. Here's their 2022-23 programme
Online content
Online English learning content from VICI Language Academy - local English teachers have set up a Facebook group where they will be sharing a lot of resources in English to help people. One of them will focus on content for beginners whilst the other one will do more intermediate to Advanced or even business English and the other one will run webinars.
The Open University (OU) has launched a raft of measures aimed at helping students and Ukrainians fleeing the war and arriving in the UK.These include financial support and assistance for existing OU students, a funding lifeline to potential students from Ukraine now living in the UK, as well as free online learning and partnerships with wider support networks.
A key part of the OU’s support package is extensive online free resources for Ukrainians on its popular platform OpenLearn, including 4 x English courses aimed at different levels, with a further free-to-learn cultural and language course being created aimed at those housing, caring for or working with Ukrainians.
Online language lesson apps
Babbel app has free English lessons for Ukrainians
Duolingo also offer free of charge English/Ukrainian courses.
The VICI Language Acadamy also provides free digital language resources for children aged 5 to 11. Contact Nathalie for of your free access code :
Conversation practice
Educafe - a friendly place to meet people. 11-2pm on Wednesdays for practice with English conversation -
The Handybus will collect people for Educafe. Email the driver, Mark Lewis ( by the Friday before with full name, address and phone number so he can plan the route.
Translation Apps
Find them in your phone app store, both are free.
Google Translate - Watch this 90 second video to see how Google Translate app can allow you to have full conversations without speaking each other's language
'Say Hi' app also comes highly recommended by people in our group. You can find both in your phone app store.