Local Transport


Ukrainian passport holders are offered 3 months of free local bus travel.

Complete this form and email it to Ukraine@westberks.gov.uk

For bus routes and times, visit https://www.reading-buses.co.uk/newbury-district-times

Volunteer Drivers

David Cooper is leading a group of volunteer drivers. Email davidcooper@nusg.org.uk

  • To help us, please provide details on:

    1. How many passengers are travelling

    2. Whether they need child seats

    3. How much luggage they will take (if any)

    4. Address and contact details of the traveller and host family

    5. The destination, date and time!

He will try and arrange support for you/your guests where possible, and can also help you find the best public transport options.


Subject to availability, Community Furniture Project will provide reused bicycles for Ukrainian guests. To access these services or request further information please email EHGS@cfpnewbury.org and include ‘UKRANIAN GUESTS’ in the subject headline.

Cycling courses for kids - For more information email activetravel@westberks.gov.uk or click here for more information