Congratulations! You've matched with your guest(s) and want to know what happens next...
The government and local council both provide excellent information sites:
West Berks Council have a Welcome pack available in English, Russian and Ukrainian - download it here
To know what to expect emotionally you may find this video helpful, "Supporting Ukrainian Refugees - A Marathon not a Sprint". In it, Tania Orlova shares her viewpoint as a Ukrainian guest herself. Other topics include self-care, trauma, what to expect and much more.
So what do you need to do, and in what order? Hopefully the practical guide in the section below will help...
Do you have all the furniture and equipment you need?
Speak to your guests and find out what they will need. Equipment and clothes for children under 5 from Homestart’s Baby Bank Baby Bank | Home-Start West Berkshire. Furniture, bedding, laptops, bicycles for children etc from the Community Furniture Project, they also have a furniture loan scheme for hosts. Don’t forget to have extra house keys cut!
Have you advised your insurer and mortgage company?
There should be no extra cost for either, but you should notify them.
Can your guests drive your car?
The law changed recently so that a Ukrainian driving licence is recognised as valid in UK. You do need to inform your insurer of course but there shouldn't be any problems.
Is your home Wi-Fi good enough?
Your guests will be wanting to Facetime their family and friends, watch news from home etc, so before they come, if you have a data usage limit on your internet you may wish to speak to your internet provider to see if this can be increased or lifted.
When your guest arrives at the UK Border
This is helpful:
Your guests will either get a stamp in their passport (to allow them to stay for 6 months – before this runs out they must arrange to have their biometrics done), or if they have attended a Visa Application Centre they will have a Visa already and be given a Biometric Residents Permit, allowing them to stay for 3 years. This is very important. Make sure your guest knows to keep it safe.
Travel from the airport/ferry port etc
Most public transport operations including National Rail are offering free onward travel from airports, ferry ports etc. This includes nearly all bus and coach services and the London Underground. Your guest(s) will have 48 hours from arrival in the UK to complete their journey and will need to show their passport and boarding pass or ticket to UK.
Vetting Hosts and DBS checks
The Government will contact your local authority (most likely West Berkshire Council) as soon as you apply for the visa. West Berkshire Council will then write to you and tell you that they will be visiting to vet your accommodation for your guests. They will also ask you to apply for DBS checks (enhanced if you are hosting under 18s or vulnerable adults). When they visit to vet the accommodation they will take pictures of your identification documents (such as passports and driving licenses).
West Berkshire Council will provide £200 cash to each guest arriving.
If your guest doesn’t have a job, they need to sign up for Universal Credit – but it may be weeks before they receive it. Therefore, it is important to do this as soon as possible. Once successful, the application for Universal Credit will also result in your guest receiving an NI number, but they can apply for this straightaway, as it is useful for applying for jobs
If your host requires something and they don’t have the money for it, you can email the Community Furniture Project and ask if they can apply to the Good Exchange’s Ukrainian fund – send an email to and include ‘UKRANIAN GUESTS’ in the subject headline.
The Red Cross will give a gift of £50 to every Ukrainian guest - apply within 2 weeks of arriving by calling 0808 196 365.
There is a separate application process for Family Allowance, which will involve sending off certified copies of passports and birth certificates (if available). Stuart Durrant of Gardner Leader Solicitors in the Market Place certify documents for Ukrainians free of charge (call first on 01635 508080).
Explain about the cost of living to your guest – food and fuel are probably a lot dearer here!
Open a UK bank account
Your guest needs to do this before applying for Universal Credit. Nationwide and HSBC offer a fast track for the guests of their customers, others may too, and online banks are worth considering. Your guest must have their stamped Ukrainian passport or Biometric Residents Permit, they may need proof or their address with you. For this and other things you may need the help of a translator if your guest doesn’t have sufficient English. We can help with this as we have a number of volunteers.
School Places
If you are hosting school age children, West Berkshire Council will be responsible for finding a school place for the guests, but you can approach your local school beforehand and find out if they have a place in the relevant school year. If your local school cannot help, WBC will find an alternative, and provide transport to school. There may be a delay of up to 8 weeks before the children can start school.
Government website - Resources to help support children and young people arriving from Ukraine
Medical/Health - help for Ukrainian nationals accessing the NHS
All Ukrainian nationals who come to the UK can access any NHS service, including GP visits, hospital services and COVID-19 vaccines, free of charge. Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has produced a guide translated into Ukrainian and Russian providing information about accessing the right service, the importance of mental health, and prescriptions. It aims to help new Berkshire residents feel supported and allow them to take care of themselves and can also be downloaded in an English version to help sponsors access the information.
Російський гід (Guide in Ukrainian)
Русский гид (Guide in Russian)
Newbury-based optician Valerie Jerome is happy to see all Ukrainian refugees free of charge, and supply glasses free of charge to those in need. Phone 01635 528844 or email
#UkrainianRefugees #WestBerkshire #Newbury
Думаю цей контакт може комусь бути дуже актуальним - зір та 👓
Простіть хостів щоб звернулися
Mobile Phone
Although guests can continue to use their Ukrainian phones, they may find it useful/cheaper to purchase a ‘pay as you go’ mobile. '3' provide free 30 day sim cards pre-loaded for Ukrainians and have been really helpful. The Furniture Project has applied on our behalf for Vodafone 6 month free sims, and they should be in stock soon.
Help your guest to explore the area
Show them around the area near your home, especially the local shops, (don’t forget Julia’s Polish Shop in Bartholomew Street!) and if applicable, parks and playgrounds. Provide them with a map – there are a couple of maps of Newbury Town Centre here: If you are on a bus route, take them on the bus into town. Provide your guests with your name, address and phone number on a piece of paper so they can carry this with them when they are out of the house.
Useful Information
West Berkshire Council’s Ukraine Support Hub is open five days a week - 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday; and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays. To get in touch, call on: 01635 503579 or email:
Volunteer Centre WB directory of charities offering support
Ukrainians in Newbury Facebook Page – for your guests to talk to others settled here. you can put out an appeal on this website for clothes/equipment etc for your guests, and local people may be able to help. Items can be offered or requested in the local area. for free period products for your guest. State on the form they are for a Ukrainian guest.
Transport, we have a growing list of volunteers you can call on if your guests need to be driven somewhere – contact the co-ordinator David Cooper
English lessons and
clothing – email size etc details to John at the Clothing Warehouse Educafe at Newbury Library every week 11am to 2pm, includes groups for English conversation, mother and baby and crafts
For further information please contact us: Gillian Durrant Judith Cooper
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