Ukrainian Visitors

Homes for Ukraine Welcome Pack.pdf

West Berkshire Council Welcome Pack

Official local information guide: how to access medical help, schools, what to do about pets, opening a bank account, transport options and support groups. (Currently in English only)

N.B Visitors based in Hampshire may find some information differs for their location.

Welcome - Join our online community! - Ukrainiains in Newbury area - a group to connect and bring people together...

Not sure how to get started?

Checklist on arrival (in Ukrainian) - everything that needs to be organised when you first arrive in UK

Updated government advice on coming to the UK

Travel to your hosts

Most public transport operations including National Rail are offering free onward travel from airports, ferry ports etc. This includes nearly all bus and coach services and the London Underground. You will have 48 hours from arrival in the UK to complete your journey and will need to show your passport and boarding pass or ticket to UK.


West Berkshire Council will provide £200 cash to each guest arriving, at their discretion. If you doesn’t have a job, WBC will work with you to sign up for Universal Credit – but it may be weeks before you receive it. Therefore it is important to do this as soon as possible. Once successful, the application for Universal Credit will also result in you receiving an NI number. If you are not applying for Universal Credit, you will need to apply for an NI number yourself

If your host requires something and they don’t have the money for it, you can email the Community Furniture Project and ask if they can apply to the Good Exchange’s Ukrainian fund – send an email to and include ‘UKRANIAN GUESTS’ in the subject headline.

Open a UK bank account

For the receipt of benefits and general use going forward you will need a bank account. You must have your stamped Ukrainian passport or Biometric Residents Permit, and proof of your host's address. Monzo (online banking) appears to be particularly quick and easy or there are HSBC and Metro Bank branches in Newbury.

Health - Help for Ukrainian nationals in accessing the NHS

All Ukrainian nationals who come to the UK can access any NHS service, including GP visits, hospital services and COVID-19 vaccines, free of charge. Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has produced a guide translated into Ukrainian and Russian providing information about accessing the right service, the importance of mental health, and prescriptions. It aims to help new Berkshire residents feel supported and allow them to take care of themselves and can also be downloaded in an English version to help sponsors access the information.

Guide in English

Російський гід (Guide in Ukrainian)

Русский гид (Guide in Russian)


Newbury-based optician Dr Valerie Jerome would be happy to see all Ukrainian refugees free of charage and provide glasses free of charge to those in need. Phone 01635 528844 or email

Думаю цей контакт може комусь бути дуже актуальним - зір та 👓


Простіть хостів щоб звернулися

Mobile Phone

Although you can continue to use your Ukrainian phones, you may find it useful/cheaper to purchase a ‘pay as you go’ mobile. You can apply for a free Vodafone sim via or at the Community Furniture Project . The Newbury high street shop '3' have been extremely helpful and have set people up with UK sims, 4 weeks free calls and data etc.

Free Ukrainian news channel in UK

Freeview has added Ukraine 24 (news channel) - click here for details or search for Channel 271 on Freeview

Other resources council webpage with more information about the support they offer

Resources to help support children and young people arriving from Ukraine - government website